Certified Translations
Within the office we have native-language or fluent speakers of Bulgarian, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. If another language is required, we have long-standing contacts with a number of external translators who can undertake the work, normally at short notice.
Translations can be notarially certified in one of two ways: if the notary is qualified in the language in question, he or she can certify directly the accuracy of the translation. If the document is in another language, the translator himself will produce a certificate as to the accuracy of the translation, and a notarial certificate confirming his identity will be added.
Please contact any of our notaries or send an enquiry for general information. For advice in connection with a particular language, please click one of the following links:
Bulgarian | Chinese | French | German | Greek | Italian | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish
These links will send an email to two or more people in our office who deal with the particular language concerned.